Because getting the job you want is about far more than having the right resume or nailing the interview.
The truth is, every dream you either go for or talk yourself out of starts with how you see yourself. With your self-image.
Because your self-image and the things you tell yourself ABOUT yourself, determines what you believe is possible in your career (and your life).
How you see yourself drives how you show up every day.
It's the image you project to the world.
How you carry yourself. How you walk into a room.
Whether you say yes to the new opportunities presented to you. Or no.
And even if you set big goals, if you don't show up in a way that's consistent with your goals, you won't accomplish them.
You'll quit. It's that simple.
That's because we can only achieve things that are consistent with what we believe is possible for ourselves.
A powerful self-image, supported by an empowered mindset and clear, purposeful action is the key.
And with this you can overcome any challenge you encounter.
Your self image is 100% your choice. Most of us don't realize this.
But you can create the professional self-image that's aligned with the career success you want to have.
One that doesn't rely on what anyone else's opinion. YOU are the one in charge.
We'll show you how.
Sure, we'll teach you the resume, interview and networking stuff too. You do need to know that. But if that's all you do, you will find the path to success much harder than it needs to be.
This is an exciting journey you're about to start. Let's get you started strong.
After 30 years of corporate ladder climbing, I can tell you with absolute certainty that there's one solution that's at the foundation of solving any problem you'll ever face in your career.
That one solution is to build and maintain a strong self-image.
Because how you see yourself matters.
It's the key to weathering any challenge, whether its coming from your Inner Critic or your New Boss.
There is no magical perfect place to work. Every place will have it's upside and it's downside.
But it's about you staying strong and centered despite the headwinds and staying clear about what you really want in life.
Because what you want will change. Guaranteed.
It took me 30 years, 14 cities and 7 employers to learn these things.
While I achieved the success I wanted, it definitely took a toll.
Every step up the ladder came at a high cost because my self-image didn't keep pace with my upward climb. And in that gap, Imposter Syndrome grew into a raging monster.
That made the successes hard. And the failures we all inevitably have, even harder.
It doesn't have to be that way. When you build a strong and constantly evolving self-image, everything in your career and life works better.
Let me be your mentor and guide on your amazing professional journey.
work with us!
We're on a mission to change the world, one unstoppable self-image at a time.
Because people are happiest when what they do everyday aligns with their dreams.
And when they believe that what they do everyday matters.
To themselves. To their employer. To their clients. To their families.
Sure, we want to make great money because that pays for our lives.
But our work is about more than a paycheck. It's about contribution and self-actualization.
It's about not settling for an ordinary career (or life) when you want an extraordinary one.
We help people build a self-image that makes extraordinary dreams happen.
That's what we're all about.
And we believe the ripple effect of that powerful self-belief can change the world.
Ready to build the unstoppable self-image to tackle your big dreams?
Our Mission